To recruit, retain and mentor a stable membership base including all generations of veterans. To cultivate a membership that is well versed in institutional knowledge and actively involved at all levels of the organization and in the local community. To establish Posts with an established vision of service, leadership, and community outreach.
Specific Membership Numbers:
Our requirement this year is to continue growth and achieve at least 102% in membership. In the simplest of terms, we look at the prior year’s total (which is how many individual members paid membership dues last year) and want to see a 2 percent increase. If a member has been lost due to passing away or not renewing their dues, then that means we must fill that gap in addition to recruiting new members to meet the 102% goal. This should serve as an example to prove that we must maintain our focus on retaining and mentoring our existing members as well as bringing in new members to the organization. Bring in the members we need, keep the members we have.
1. Build a strong organization through recruiting new members while retaining our current membership, creating a solid baseline for the future.
2. Work together to achieve VFW’s goals. The VFW National Headquarters staff is available to assist in coordinating programs, developing membership initiatives, and building awareness among our membership and the entire veteran community.
Membership Requirements:
- Achieve 102% in Membership
- For everyone to recruit at least one new member and then mentor that member.
- Increase membership drives and/or events.
- Develop new Posts and/or revitalize existing Posts.
- Increase Life Membership and Legacy Life Membership
WHO: All VFW Members, including Post, District, Department, and National leadership.
WHAT: To meet the goals of increasing membership through recruiting, retention, and mentorship. To develop a spirit of camaraderie and service to all veterans. To strengthen the Veterans of Foreign Wars through a solid membership base.
WHERE: Across the globe with Posts in all 50 states and in overseas countries and territories.
WHEN: Beginning on July 1st, 2024 and continuing through the end of the membership year on June 30th, 2025.
WHY: To serve our comrades and their families, to remember and honor those who have come before us, and to live the words of our motto, that NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS.